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Diane Abbott Newsnight

Diane Abbott investigation concluded

Labout completes probe into racism remarks

MP regains Labour whip

The Labour Party has concluded its investigation into Diane Abbott over comments she made about racism affecting Jewish and Traveller communities, according to BBC Newsnight. Abbott, the long-standing MP for Hackney North, has been readmitted as a Labour MP, the BBC understands.

The party's investigation was completed in December 2023, but its findings were not made public until now. Abbott had been suspended from the party since April 2023 following her comments.

In a statement, Abbott said she was "pleased" that the investigation had been concluded and that she had been "exonerated" of any wrongdoing. She said she was "committed to fighting racism in all its forms" and that she looked forward to continuing her work as an MP.

The Labour Party said in a statement that it had "accepted the findings of the investigation" and that Abbott had been "reinstated to the party with immediate effect."

Abbott's reinstatement comes after a period of turmoil for the Labour Party, which has been divided over its handling of allegations of anti-Semitism. The party has been accused of failing to take the issue seriously enough, and Abbott's comments had been seen by some as evidence of this.

Abbott has been a vocal critic of the Labour Party's leadership, and her reinstatement is likely to be seen as a victory for the party's left wing. However, it remains to be seen whether her return to the party will help to heal the divisions that have emerged in recent months.
